The bittergourd is famous for its ability to help diabetics in decreasing sugar levels. This is not a joke but a reality where I and my mother have benefited a lot from its juice. Believe it or not, I managed to bring down my blood sugar level from 20 to 7 in just a month, naturally without pills.
Here is the recipe of the healing juice:
1. Wash and clean 1 kg of bittergourds
2. Peel off the skin and cut them into small pieces.
3. Put all the pieces of the bittergourd into a mixer or a blender and blend them until you get a smooth solution.
4. Don't strain the juice and don't add sugar or honey into it.
5. Now, the juice is ready for you to drink;drink once daily and regularly.
6. Keep the remaining juice in your fridge.
diabetic recipe